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Celebrating the life of
Richard C. Huffman
January 03, 1942 - March 16, 2019
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15 ESV)

Richard Cole Huffman, formerly of Nashville, several towns in Alabama and Texas and recently of Savannah, moved on to his heavenly home to be with his Lord on March 16, 2019 after an extended illness. He is survived by his beloved wife, Vicki Caram Huffman, his son Dr. R. Cole Huffman II (Lynn) of Memphis and his daughter Christa H. Young (Chris) of Savannah, eight grandchildren, and a great-grandson. He was pre-deceased by his parents John and Helen Huffman, his brother Jack, and his sister Marsha H. Bessey. He was 77.
Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, Richard was an evangelical Christian, an Eagle Scout, and an industrial engineer. He graduated from Isaac Litton High School in Nashville in 1960 and Tennessee Technological University in 1964. He was a Captain in the US Air Force and a Vietnam veteran.
People described Richard as a person with a big smile who “never met a stranger.” In his job with The Gap, Richard traveled internationally and made friends out of strangers around the world. After his retirement from the garment industry, he was a contractor who renovated houses, turning eyesores into lovely homes. Using his talents to help friends and family with their handyman needs without charge, he earned the nickname “Mr. Fix-it Fox.” Some called him the most hard-working man they ever knew; others called him the most generous.
After his impending passing was announced through social media, many made comments such as: a precious man; will miss his fellowship and counsel; a wonderful man [who] has always been a blessing to me; I’m sorry to lose my lifelong friend; what an impression he has left on our family. The family invites you to share your memories with them in whatever method you choose.
Memorials are for remembering. Seven months ago, Richard moved from Nashville to Savannah and made wonderful new friends. His other friends and family are scattered from Alabama to Australia. Memorials will be held wherever those who loved him gather and remember him. Whenever one of his grandchildren says, “In memory of Papa, I won’t waste the food on my plate.” Or a friend recalls his help in making a home more handicap-accessible. Or we laugh about how upset he could become over the (frequent) losses of his favorite college football team. Memorials are for remembering, and we will remember Richard.
The family is grateful that they know Richard’s soul and spirit are with the Lord. His earthly remains will join those of his parents in Nashville later. He asked that memorial donations be made to Dallas Theological Seminary’s Scholarship Fund or a Christian ministry of your choice.
The loss of my Uncle Richard is overwhelming. He has now entered Heaven and been reunited with his Mother and Father, my Grandparents and his older brother Jack (my Father) and sister Marsha (my Aunt). He has also been reunited with my recently deceased Mother Arlene. He is well placed for eternity. I love you Uncle Rich and we will meet again someday. Love from Melbourne, Australia, Wes.
- John (Wes) HUFFMAN, Melbourne, Australia, Vic
Some people come into your life and leave foot prints on your heart that will remain forever and Richard was one of those people. We are truly blessed that God chose to make us special friends in this short time we knew him. Always encouraging those around him even when he was facing his own trials. I can just see that big wonderful smile as he first saw Jesus, and know he is celebrating his new home with his Father. You will truly be missed dear friend but we celebrate with you and your homecoming.
- Toni and Eddie Johnson, Savannah, georgia
I grew up having Mr. Huffman be like a 2nd grandfather to me. I was learning child development through babysitting his grandchildren through church. My heart is sad for his family but at peace knowing that he is cured of this earthly body.
- Rebecca Dreibelbis Harmon, Pegram , TN
We are so blessed to have known Richard in the few short months since he and Vicki have been in Savannah. What a brave man empowered by his Lord! A friend to everyone, now he is with his best friend Jesus, forever.
- Rich and Dianne Tincknell , Savannah , Georgia
Richard and I were friends in high school, played golf together, ran track in college. When I think of Richard,this comes to mind;la-dee-da-whoop-whoop-whoop.
- Jack Williams , West Chester , Oh
We will miss knowing he was daily in prayer for others, but now he can have his face to face conversations! He will be missed on this earth, but we will all meet again one day. Prayers and love are offered now for Vicki and family.
- Linda Felts, Hermitage, TN
“His loved ones are very precious to Him, and He does not lightly let them die.” Richard was a loving, sweet extension of God’s Grace! We will truly miss his kindness and his kind words he always shared with everyone he met! Vicki, you and your family will surely be in our thoughts and prayers in this transition! We love you! ?
- David andNancy Martin, Hermitage , TN
The loss of my Uncle Richard is overwhelming. He has now entered Heaven and been reunited with his Mother and Father, my Grandparents and his older brother Jack (my Father) and sister Marsha (my Aunt). He has also been reunited with my recently deceased Mother Arlene. He is well placed for eternity. I love you Uncle Rich and we will meet again someday. Love from Melbourne, Australia, Wes.
- John (Wes) HUFFMAN, Melbourne, Australia, Vic

- John Wesley HUFFMAN , Tenness
Some people come into your life and leave foot prints on your heart that will remain forever and Richard was one of those people. We are truly blessed that God chose to make us special friends in this short time we knew him. Always encouraging those around him even when he was facing his own trials. I can just see that big wonderful smile as he first saw Jesus, and know he is celebrating his new home with his Father. You will truly be missed dear friend but we celebrate with you and your homecoming.
- Toni and Eddie Johnson, Savannah, georgia
I grew up having Mr. Huffman be like a 2nd grandfather to me. I was learning child development through babysitting his grandchildren through church. My heart is sad for his family but at peace knowing that he is cured of this earthly body.
- Rebecca Dreibelbis Harmon, Pegram , TN
We are so blessed to have known Richard in the few short months since he and Vicki have been in Savannah. What a brave man empowered by his Lord! A friend to everyone, now he is with his best friend Jesus, forever.
- Rich and Dianne Tincknell , Savannah , Georgia
Richard and I were friends in high school, played golf together, ran track in college. When I think of Richard,this comes to mind;la-dee-da-whoop-whoop-whoop.
- Jack Williams , West Chester , Oh
We will miss knowing he was daily in prayer for others, but now he can have his face to face conversations! He will be missed on this earth, but we will all meet again one day. Prayers and love are offered now for Vicki and family.
- Linda Felts, Hermitage, TN
“His loved ones are very precious to Him, and He does not lightly let them die.” Richard was a loving, sweet extension of God’s Grace! We will truly miss his kindness and his kind words he always shared with everyone he met! Vicki, you and your family will surely be in our thoughts and prayers in this transition! We love you! ?
- David andNancy Martin, Hermitage , TN
Services under the direction of:
Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel